Autumn Themed Painted Window Display

Ok! So for one of my main Autumn craft Ideas for this year I’ve decided I really wanted to try and have a go at glass painting! Our home is rented and so I am very restricted on where and how I can decorate so I thought I would create an Autumn design on our living room window.

I haven’t done any glass paintings before so here is my step by step guide of how I created this project.

1.  Sketch out my design

This was the first thing I did. I wanted to keep it quite simple but pretty. The main ideas I wanted to include in the design was a tree, leaves and general Autumn colours.

(So whilst I distracted my girl ~ CBeebies is a god send in this house!) I started sketching out a rough design.

This is my original sketch here

QCF Certificate (3)2 update

2. Research about Glass Paints

I then did a little research online for some glass paints:

Glass paints:

Acrylics: Can be used and can have great results and is very easy and managable BUT if your painting on an outside window pane Acrylics have a porous surface after drying due to the micro holes created by water evaporating out of the paint as it dries. So you’re going to need to add a  protective coat both to seal the paint and provide some UV protection from sunlight. IF you want the design to be permanent that is!

Paint pens: I decided I’d like to try using paint pens and I found these on Ebay *link*, which I think is a very good price

This type of pen paint also peels off the window

3.  Research about how to pain on glass/glass windows:

I also did a little bit of research into how to go about painting on the window and any pointers I need to remember.

I found these site were really helpful:

I also found this fantastic free guide from Hobbycraft

Whilst I was waiting for my paints to arrived I started to practice how I was actually going to draw out my design in large scale. I think there’s a couple of ways people design on windows but what I did was practiced writing backwards (sounds a lot harder than it is haha)


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